Fertility acupuncture during IVF   Pre / Post Embryo Transfers

Acupuncture emerges as a valuable adjunctive therapy in supporting women throughout the pre and post-embryo transfer phases, significantly enhancing the chances of successful fertility treatments. Before embryo transfer, acupuncture demonstrates efficacy in stress reduction, a critical factor influencing fertility outcomes. Studies suggest that integrating acupuncture into fertility treatment plans can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, creating a more conducive environment for successful embryo implantation, thus boosting pregnancy rates.

In the crucial moments surrounding embryo transfer, strategic acupuncture sessions performed before and after the procedure target specific points to improve blood flow to the uterus and optimize endometrial receptivity. It also helps relieve the stress and anxiety surrounding the whole transfer experience.  This approach, aligned with evidence-based theories, seeks to regulate the immune system, minimize inflammation, and mitigate the risk of the body rejecting the implanted embryo, enhancing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy.

Post-embryo transfer, acupuncture remains a supportive element in the fertility journey, addressing stress, anxiety, and physical discomfort that may persist during the waiting period. Incorporating targeted acupuncture sessions not only alleviates post-procedural discomfort but also aids in hormonal balance and overall reproductive health. These holistic benefits contribute to creating a positive atmosphere for early pregnancy stages.

Research consistently highlights the positive impact of acupuncture on in vitro fertilization (IVF) success rates, emphasizing the potential benefits for women undergoing assisted reproductive technologies. The nuanced interplay of acupuncture's ability to modulate the nervous system, optimize blood flow, and alleviate stress positions it as a key component in fostering a favorable environment for successful embryo implantation and early pregnancy.

The most recent study (2021) on the effects of acupuncture for positive implantation confirmed that ‘Individualized pre- and post-embryo transfer acupuncture is associated with higher implantation and clinical pregnancy rates’. ¹

In summary, acupuncture emerges as a holistic and evidence-supported approach to fortify women's well-being during the pre and post embryo transfer phases of assisted reproductive treatments. By prioritizing stress reduction, enhancing blood flow to the uterus, and promoting hormonal balance, acupuncture stands as a valuable ally in the intricate landscape of fertility treatments, potentially leading to increased success rates and improved overall patient outcomes.

The process: Ideally women need to come in for a consultation at least two weeks before the transfer date to prepare themselves. This is especially important if they have never had acupuncture before. We need to get to know each other and for you to feel comfortable in my clinic environment. I do not recommend last minute appointments.  My best results come from clients who do a few sessions before the transfer day. I offer 5 sessions for €399 which is redeemable against certain health insurance policies. 

You can book online or call reception on 01 5240874.

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¹ Ahmad Arabi, Katherine EB, Grimm L, Mowl S, Beltsos A, et al. The effect of Individualized Pre- and Post-Embryo Transfer acupuncture on implantation and clinical pregnancy rate. Perceptions in Reproductive Medicine. PDF


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